- Wakefield SEND Local Offer
- Common Worries
- Transitions
Transitions are when we change from one thing to another. An example of of this when a child goes from primary to secondary school.
Wakefield Parent Carer Forum have some top tips sheets on transitions. They have one for parents and carers, and another for professionals.
The Wakefield Growing Healthy 0-19 Service app also has useful information around transitions.
Ambitious About Autism has information on the transition from home to an early years provider, such as a nursery or childminder. Visit https://www.ambitiousaboutautism.org.uk/understanding-autism/early-years/education-in-the-early-yearsEducation in the early years | Ambitious about Autism to find out more.
Starting primary school - BBC Parents' Toolkit - BBC Bitesize
Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY) have a starting school toolkit. It is for parents, childcare professionals and teachers.
Preparing your deaf child for primary school from the National Deaf Children's Society
Read Y7 pupils top tips for transition:
Just don’t worry, it’s a big school, but you’ll be ok!
Leave the house on time.
Always have your planner and pens on you.
Put your tie and blazer on before you leave home…so you don’t forget them!
Please visit our Preparation for Adulthood section for more information.