SEND Strategies and Associated Documents

SEND Strategy

It outlines our key priorities to ensure we continue to improve experiences of children and young people with SEND.

SEND Strategy 2020 - 24 PDF Accessible Version

SEND Provision Plan

It contains a detailed focus on the different types of provision required now and, in the future, to enable us to continue to meet local needs of children and young people with Special educational needs and disabilities at school

SEND Provision Plan (pdf)

Childcare and Sufficiency Assessment and Schools Organisation Plan

It is a nationally recognised document produced annually to refresh the data held. It provides a consistent review of emerging early year and school place pressures in the Wakefield district and is seen as good practice. More information can be found  Childcare businesses - Wakefield Council

Accessibility Strategy

The council is required under the Equality Act 2010 to have an accessibility in which it promotes better access for children and young people with Special educational needs and disabilities at school.

Accessibility Strategy (Microsoft Word online)

NEET Strategy

The aim of the Strategy is to ensure that every young person has access to appropriate provision after they leave school or college, and to increase the aspirations and ambitions of our young people, particularly our vulnerable cohorts.

Wakefield NEET Strategy 2021 - 2024 (pdf)


Early Years Strategy

The ambition that lies at the heart of this Strategy is to ensure that every young person get the best start in life, from the early days of pregnancy through to the time they join Year 1 of primary school.

early-years-strategy-march-2021-24.pdf (

Speech Language and Communication strategy

It sets out the vision, priorities and success measures for speech, language and communication (SLC) support from pre-birth to 19 (0 to 25 for SEND).

Speech Language and Communication Strategy 2023 - 2025 (pdf)

Wakefield Annual Standards Report

This document outlines pupil and school performance and provides an overview of our strategic plans to improve outcomes for young people across the district.

CYP Annual Standards Report (pdf)


Schools Admissions Policy

The Policy covers admissions to community and voluntary controlled schools are determined by the Council following consultation with governing bodies.

Wakefield Admissions Policy Information (Wakefield Council Website)


Home to School Transport Policy

This document that covers eligibility for home to school transport for all children. It sets Wakefield’s arrangements for the transport for pupils of compulsory school age and below to and from schools.

Home to School Transport Policy (Microsoft Word online)

Post 16 Transport Policy

The policy explains the entitlement to travel assistance for children and young people post 16

Post 16 Transport Policy (Microsoft Word online)

Wakefield Covid Impact

This document provides a brief overview of the impact of the pandemic on the SEND cohort in Wakefield.  It details the key issues informed by local information, key actions taken, along with future plans.

Covid Impact Report (Microsoft Word online)


Joint Commissioning Framework

A new commissioning Strategy will be uploaded soon.


Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership Adult Autism Strategy

The strategy explains how the partnership wants to improve public understanding and acceptance of autism, and that autistic people feel more included in their communities and less lonely and/or isolated.

Autism Strategy 2024 (Microsoft Word online)



The Wakefield Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a source of information about the needs and characteristics of the Wakefield District population including SEND and the services and initiatives that support this. For more information


High Needs Provision Capital Allocations

Local Authorities (LAs) are allocated ‘High Needs Provision Capital Allocations (HNPCA)to support the provision of new school places and improve existing provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities or requiring alternative provision.


The data returns are designed to support LAs to provide details of the projects being funded as a result of their High Needs Provision Capital Allocations (HNPCA).   LAs endeavour to include in their returns any projects receiving funding from 2021-2022, 2022-23 and/or 2023-24 HNPCA funding.


LAs enter data on any known projects that will benefit from investment as a result of their HNPCA grants. It is recognised that projects may be at different stages in their development and delivery cycle, and may still be in the process of being fully developed (feasibility, planning, procurement etc). Recording a project on this form does not signal or create a final commitment to this project. LAs are simply requested to provide as complete a picture of intended works as possible. Its recognised that not all HNPCA funding may be committed by the 1st October 2022, and therefore the template includes a record of funding that is not currently committed to a project. LAs are therefore encouraged to complete the data return to the best of their ability as this provides valuable data to the department as to the needs and the priorities of the sector in respect of High Needs capital funding, which will help inform future policy development.

HNPCA Data Assurance Return October 2022

HNCPA Data Assurance Return November 2023


Wakefield Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities (SEND) Directory

A booklet has been created to list Wakefield SEND services available to schools. This is for schools to access support for children and young people. Parents, carers, young people and professionals also may find this useful.

Wakefield SEND Directory 2024

Last updated: 05/09/2024