Additional Support

Transition to Adult Services 

There are 3 Transition Social Workers (TSW) in Wakefield who sit within the Community Team for Learning Disability (East). If you have a children’s social worker they may make a referral for a transition assessment, with your consent. You can also refer yourself for a Transition assessment, this can be done via social care direct – 0345 8 503 503. You will be allocated a TSW some time when you are 17 years old. The TSW will complete an assessment which looks at all of your needs. They will ensure you are fully involved and informed in this process as you transition into adult services. They will work alongside your current children’s social care, health and education professionals.

The TSW will ensure you have access to independent advocacy if you have “substantial difficulty” in being involved in the care and support ‘processes’ and have no appropriate individual(s) - carer, family or friend - who can support you in this.

Your TSW will aim to complete the transition assessment at the most appropriate time for you. If you have unmet needs, they will provide services to meet those needs. You will be offered an individual budget which may be taken in the form of a direct payment, Individual service fund, a personal health budget, a managed account or a mixture of these.

They will consider your eligibility for Continuing Healthcare funding. Eligibility decisions for NHS CHC are ‘needs based’ and rest on whether your need for care is primarily due to your health needs. This is referred to as having a ‘primary health need’. There are instances when a person’s nursing or health needs mean they do not have a ‘primary health need’ but their needs are clearly above the level intended to be covered by NHS funded nursing care. In such cases joint funding by the CCG and local authority will be appropriate.

Your TSW will explain to you about the financial assessment and possible financial contribution/charges towards your care services. Services provided by the NHS are free whereas those arranged by social services are means tested.

The TSW will look at if / or what support you need to manage your finances. They will also explain that access to transport provision is different to that when you are a child.

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 also applies to all young people from the age of 16yrs, and needs to be considered throughout the transition process.

The transition assessment will determine whether you are eligible for care and support from adult services. Generally, an individual will have eligible needs if they meet all of the following:

  • They have care and support needs as a result of a physical or mental condition;
  • Because of those needs, they cannot achieve two or more of the outcomes specified;
  • As a result, there is a significant impact on their wellbeing.

The specified outcomes detailed in the Care Act 2014 are whether you can, alone, within a reasonable time and without significant pain, distress, anxiety or risk to yourself or others:

  • Maintaining a habitable home environment;
  • Managing and maintaining nutrition;
  • Managing toilet needs;
  • Maintaining personal hygiene;
  • Being appropriately clothed;
  • Developing and maintaining family or other personal relationships;
  • Making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community;
  • Accessing and engaging in work, training, education or volunteering;
  • Carrying out any caring responsibilities for a child;
  • Being able to make use of your home safely.

Download the transition service overview sheet for more information.

Contact the Transition Social Work Team at or telephone 01977 723922

Support is available for disabled adults through Adults Services and Social Care Direct. This could include support in finding appropriate accommodation, work and leisure opportunities. A small team of specialist nurses is also available to support people with complex health care needs. To find information about services, information and support available for adults aged 18 years and upwards across the Wakefield district please visit

If you are eligible for social care services you can choose to have support through direct payments. These can also be combined with managed services to create an individual support package.

Adult Services also work with providers to offer Individual Service Funds. A provider will manage an individual's allocated funding and help them arrange appropriate support. This gives people greater choice and control without the need to manage a direct payment. 

You should contact Social Care Direct first if you want to access Adult Social Care Services in Wakefield. Social Care Direct will make an assessment by asking questions over the phone. This gives the customer service advisor all relevant information to consider the help you might need. If appropriate, your details will be passed to a community social work team to look at your social care needs. This will include a visit to your home by a social worker. If we don't think you need a social care assessment, we will give you advice and information about what other agencies and support groups can offer.

Contact Social Care Direct by telephone: 0345 8 503 503.

Find out more by visiting

A referral to adult social care can be made around the time a young person turns 16 years old to establish if they are likely to be eligible for adult social care support at age 18. The transition assessment will determine whether you are eligible for care and support from adult services under The Care Act 2014.

The 5 Day Offer
Hello, our role is to support young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 16- 25, who have an ‘Education Health and Care Plan’.

We support young people with SEND to be as independent as possible and help them prepare for adulthood, ensuring that they have access to educational, social, and work based services in their local communities in line with their aspirations.

Our role involves developing operational links with other agencies to enable effective inter-agency working, in particular local schools, colleges, education and employment providers. We will signpost, guide, and provide support to access information to help young people feel less socially isolated and included within their community.

The ‘5 Day Offer’ supplements what young people receive in their current education setting. We can help young people identify further meaningful activities that can be undertaken with or without support in and around the area they reside in, if they are prepared to engage with this process.

(Please be aware, if the young person requires 1:1 support whilst undertaking an identified opportunity, we may need to be creative and use their Shortbreaks/current Personal Assistant support or Adult Social Care funding to support that activity moving forward).

Many of the young people we work with, become more confident engaging in employment opportunities Post 18, and this is due to their increased self-esteem because of being able to upskill and participate in several work experience/placement opportunities.

If you would like our help, please feel free to complete the ‘5 Day Offer’ referral form and send it to

5 Day Offer Referral Form

Short breaks are another type of support available to young people up to 18 years old. They range from residential and nursing provision to outreach and leisure opportunities, depending on individual needs and personal choice. Many younger people decide to take these as direct payment to give greater choice and flexibility. You can find out more at our Short Breaks section.

Please visit the Social Care Providers section for to find details of the approved providers, care agencies and council run provisions available in the local area. You will also be able to filter the search results by the type of provider e.g. approved provider, Special Educational Need, Age and Post Code.

This information may also be of interest and use to young people with non-statutory Support Plans who receive SEN support in school or college.

To find out more about what young people can expect as they go through this process have a look at the sources of information below.

Young people aged 16 - 25 who are not sure what to do after school can access the Time To Talk Next Steps programme. This has been created by the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi). Time to Talk Next Steps is free support for young people in England with additional needs. It is for young people who are experiencing anxiety, isolation and who have limited or no plans for the future. You may be in school or in college or have finished all education and be unsure how to move forward.

Young people age 16 years or above or their parents/carers can contact SENDIASS for independent information, support and advice at any point in the SEND process.

 Preparing for Adult Website –

Council for Disabled Children, Council for Disabled Children, preparing for adulthood

Last updated: 04/12/2022