
On this page you can find current and previous consultations which are particularly relevant to families with children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), practitioners or people are working with children and young people with SEND aged 0 to 25 years.

This means you can make comments or respond and your views will be taken into account when decisions are being made.

There are no current consultations at the moment.

Children and Young People's feedback about their short breaks - December 2018

Parent and Carer's feedback about short breaks - February 2019

Future Delivery Model feedback from parents, carers, children and young people and professionals - July 2019

You can also read a copy of the Final Short Breaks Enagagment Report by clicking on the link below.

Full Short Breaks Engagement Report


What are the plans going forward?

We would like to invite you to look at the Short Breaks Offer we are proposing to make available to children and young people across the Wakefield District from September 2020.

You can read about details of the proposed Short Breaks Offer in the document to download below. It also includes some frequently asked questions. This will be updated if we are asked more questions during the consultation process. 

Short Breaks 2020/21 Final Consultation - Frequently Asked Questions - October 2019

A number of consultation opportunities will be available to you to have your say from 11 November 2019 until 10 January 2020

We will be holding a FREE face to face event on Tuesday 26 November 2019 at The Glasshoughton Centre, Leeds Road, Glasshoughton, WF10 4PF. The day will be split into two sessions; morning and afternoon. You will get the chance to meet providers delivering services across the district, attend a short workshop about the new Short Breaks Offer followed by the opportunity to have your say.

Full details of the event and how to book are included in the document below.

Short Breaks Provider and Parent / Carer Networking Event

If you cannot attend the event, you can fill in our online questionnaire at

Alternatively, you can download a paper copy of the questionnaire to complete below.

Short Breaks 2020/21 Final Consultation - Questionnaire

If you prefer you can call the SEND Development Team on 01924 302410 to tell us what you think. You can also email us at or write to us at SEND Development Team, County Hall, Room 230, Bond Street, Wakefield, WF1 2QW.

This is our last planned consultation about this model but remember all services are reviewed and looked at regularly.

After the consultation we will look at all the feedback received and review the Short Breaks Offer. We will take the final model to Elected Members (Cabinet) in March 2020 to ask for their approval to start to deliver the new Short Breaks Offer in September 2020.

We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for your time and feedback you have already provided, and hope you can continue to work with us to help shape the future of short breaks across the Wakefield District.

For more information, you can contact the SEND Development Team by email at or telephone 01924 302410.

Last updated: 05/03/2024