You Said We Did 2020 - 2021

You Said We Did is where we listen to your feedback and do something about it. Our 'About Feedback' page tells you how we get feedback and how you can give feedback.

You Said is what you have told us needs improving.

We Did is what we are doing about that.

You Said

We Did

I haven’t seen the newsletter mentioned anywhere.

We post newsletter updates on our Facebook page.

We will ask other local groups to share these posts.

We will ask other professionals to signpost to our newsletter.

Shorter information is better as it’s more to the point.

We are working on making our newsletter and website easier to read.

We have begun to create ‘Easy Read’ documents for the Local Offer.

We have begun to include ‘Easy Read’ articles in our newsletter.

It would be good to have a local dyslexia support group.

We will contact the nearest dyslexia support groups through the British Dyslexia Association. We will invite them to join the Local Offer.

Why is the Local Offer all about autism and not different conditions?

We will publish the different services and conditions we have supported at the end of each month on Facebook.

We will continue to have a range of articles in the newsletter.

We will continue to provide support and signposting for autism as it is the most requested by parents and professionals.

We welcome any suggestions for different services and conditions.

You Said

We Did

We would like information on supported living and moving on to adulthood.

We have created a new Preparation for Adulthood section on the Local Offer website.

We are continuing to make this more accessible.

We would like information on school exclusions.

We have put some information on the Local Offer.

We will add more information soon.

The Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) pathway is not up to date.

We are working with Mid Yorkshire Hospitals to update the ASD pathway.

The new referral form is on the Local Offer website.

We would like a list of alternative provisions for post-16.

We are updating the Local Offer to make this information easier to find.

Last updated: 17/04/2024