What is a Dynamic Support Register

A Dynamic support register is sometimes called a DSR.

The DSR is a list of people in the Wakefield area who have a Learning Disability and/or a diagnosis of Autism.

The people on the DSR are at risk of being admitted to a hospital setting if they do not get the right community care, treatment, and support in the place they live. This applies to adults , young people and children.

The DSR  helps professionals from both health and care services decide the type of support a person needs to stay well at home.

For a referral to the DSR to be accepted the referred person must have capacity to give informed consent. This means that they can understand information to be able to make decisions about their life. Where capacity is suspected to be lacking, at the time of referral, a best interest decision must be made. For a child or young person, a person with parental responsibility can give consent.  Please see the referral form for more information about capacity.  

People with a confirmed diagnosis of Autism or a Learning Disability will be on the DSR. They must also have one or more of the following:

  • Displaying behaviours that pose a risk to self or others.
  • Experiencing a decline in mental health wellbeing. Services in the community are unable to meet the person's needs.
  • Experiencing a decline in mental health wellbeing that may result in admission to a mental health or learning disability hospital setting.
  • Admitted to a mental health or learning disability hospital setting.
  • Living in a secure environment or in custody where health input is required.
  • Post discharge from a Mental Health or Learning Disability hospital setting.

The Wakefield DSR is hosted by West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, Wakefield Place. DSR hold regular meetings with health, social care and Barnardo’s Keyworker Services. These meetings are to discuss the people on the register. The professionals on the DSR panel are experienced practitioners who can help make sure your care is right for you. Discussions will consider whether the current package of support:

  • Meets the needs of the individual
  • Keeps the individual and others safe
  • Needs changes or additions to be made.

The DSR meetings take into account what people and their families and carers tell us is important to them.  Any suggestions are then discussed with the person and their families/carers.   

Your level of Risk of being admitted to a hospital setting, will be rated using a colour code. This is also known as a RAG rating.


  • Red is for people who are at high risk of going into hospital straight away.
  • Amber is for people who are at high risk of going into hospital if they do not get the right care and treatment soon.
  • Green is for people who are having their risks managed well at home.
  • Blue is for people who are already in hospital.

For children and young people aged below 25, a Barnardo’s keyworker would be recommended if you are RAG rated amber or red

Homepage - Barnardos - West Yorkshire Keyworker Service

  • The West Yorkshire Key Worker Service for people up to the age of 25


0113 393 3240

The information held on the DSR will depend on your current care and support needs. It will include information like:

  • Current care and treatment
  • Your physical and mental health
  • Any health and care plans in use and up to date.
  • Who you live with and where.
  • Your name and date of birth.
  • Any other information people need to know to keep you safe.

All your personal information will be kept in a secure place. It will only be shared with the professionals who provide your care now or in the future.


Your information will help the professionals monitor whether the DSR is making a positive difference to people’s lives. It will also show whether health and care teams are offering the right support.

You won’t always be on the DSR. You will come off the DSR when your care and support in the community is right for you and your risk of hospital admission has reduced. For people approaching their 18th birthday this may mean transferring from the Children’s DSR to the Adults DSR. The professional over seeing your care and support will keep you updated. They will let you know whether you need to remain on the register. You can withdraw your consent at any time if you decide you no longer want to be a part of the DSR.

You do not have to be on the DSR to receive care and support in the community. You will be able to access support through referral to the most appropriate service and have access to a C(E)TR if required contact 07584 823503

Care (Education) and Treatment Reviews are known as C(E)TRs. For people at risk of admission or who are admitted to a mental health hospital, C(E)TRs are an essential person-centred process. The purpose is to ensure professionals are working with people and families to provide the right care, education and treatment to avoid the need for an admission to a mental health hospital. People on the DSR who are rated Red on risk will be offered a C(E)TR .


Read more on DSR and C(E)TR policy and guidance.

Last updated: 5/7/2024