Join Our Steering Board

We are recruiting new parent and carer board members and a Chair. 

Who can join

To join you need to be a parent/carer of a child or young person 0-25 years old with experience of being supported by our service.

What are the benefits

Members of the group help shape and change the offer for children/young people with SEND and those around them in Wakefield.

You also get to virtually meet other parent, carers and professional board members.

How much time does it take

Meetings for the SENDIASS steering group are held virtually using Microsoft Teams in the working weekday 3-4 times per year.

Board members can participate with as little as 4 hours per year involvement.

Where can I find out more

Find out more by reading information on our SENDIASS Steering Board pages.

How to contact if I want to join

Email WESAIL at and put 'Steering Board' in the title of the email. You can also leave a message on 01924 965588.

Last updated: 7/17/2024