About Us
Who are we for
Wakefield Early Support Advice Information Liaison (WESAIL) is available to parents and carers of a child or a young person, who has, or may have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25 years who are living within the Wakefield District.
This service is also available to young people themselves and those working with families.
The contract is currently held by Family Action. Find out more by visiting www.family-action.org.uk/what-we-do/children-families/wesail/.
What do we do
Wakefield Early Support, Advice, Information and Liaison (WESAIL) provides a free, confidential and impartial service - which means we do not take sides and try to ensure everyone is given opportunities to express their views and feel listened to.
WESAIL provide information, advice, support and signposting according to need either by telephone or where needed on an individual or targeted basis. We share details of events on the Local Offer, and our Facebook page and provide information through the Information Network.
WESAIL offers information covering a range of matters relating to Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) including education, health, social care, personalisation, personal budgets along with benefits and leisure.
The WESAIL service aims to support children, young people, their parents, carers and families by providing information to navigate systems and processes so that they can play an active role in decision-making about matters relating to their or their children's health, education, social care to support and empower them in meeting their child's needs and promoting self-advocacy.
Difference between advocacy and impartiality
What does impartial mean
Impartial means not taking sides.
The Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities Information Advice Support Service (SENDIASS) is an impartial service. It offers information and advice based on facts and what the law says.
If a SENDIASS officer attends a meeting, they will listen and give advice. They attend the meeting to help everyone do what the law says.
SENDIASS try to provide enough information for people to make their own choice.
Find out how SENDIASS work with you by visiting
What is advocacy
Advocacy is where you get help from someone to communicate your views and feelings. An advocate will help you stand up for your rights. An advocate can help make sure that decisions about your future take into account your views and needs.
If you have an advocate with you at a meeting, they will help your ideas and wishes be heard. They can also help you feel safe.
If your child or young person needs advocacy, contact the Children’s Advocacy and Participation Service (CAPS).
Find out more about CAPS by visiting https://bit.ly/3O7JgWm
Requests for support
Requests for support can be made by telephone or directly to the service by either
- Young People
- Parents or Carers
- Someone working with the family where the parent/carer or young person has given consent
WESAIL is also responsible for updating the Local Offer and engaging with children, young people, families and stakeholders in its ongoing development and review. The Local Offer aims to help people easily find information about the services, activities and support available in the local area for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and /or Disabilities and their families.
To contact us about the Local Offer, please email wakefieldlocaloffer@family-action.org.uk
Our publications
Read our WESAIL Easy Read About Us Guide online.
We are currently working on alternative formats for some of our information. The below publications are available as downloads. For an alternative format, please email wakefieldlocaloffer@family-action.org.uk
Read our WESAIL Impact Report 2023-2024 (PDF) to find out about what we have been doing, the support we have offered and the progress we have made over the past year.
View or download our WESAIL 2024 PowerPoint to find out more about our service.
When are we available
You can contact us directly Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm by telephone or email.
Please note we do not offer appointments at our stated office address.
Wakefield SEND Directory
Please note that WESAIL (Wakefield SENDIASS) is impartial from the Local Authority and is separate to WISENDSS, SENART, WASP, WPCF, CAMHS and the Family HUBs. To find out more about these and other SEND services in the district, read the Wakefield SEND Directory booklet.
The booklet lists SEND services available in the Wakefield district. Parents, carers, young people and professionals may find this useful.
Mutual Respect Statement
We are aware that service users contacting us are dealing with very challenging and often emotional situations.
We will respond as soon as we are able to, listening and advising in an impartial way. We would like to request respectful responses from our service users.
Please be aware that we reserve the right to politely terminate a call if we are experiencing verbally abusive language, raised voices, threatening or aggressive behaviour towards our staff.