You Said We Did 2022 - 2023

You Said We Did is where we listen to your feedback and do something about it. Our 'About Feedback' page tells you how we get feedback and how you can give feedback.

You Said is what you have told us needs improving.

We Did is what we are doing about that.

You Said 

We Did 

Can’t find the Social Communication and Interaction form (for an autism referral)

We added the form to the Services section of the Easy Read Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) part of the Local Offer.



We posted about this on Facebook.


We would like more information on how to get a Personal Budget

We have asked Wakefield Council’s Social Care team to review and update this information.


You Said 

We Did 

We would like advice and support on Tourettes / tics

We contacted Tourettes Action who have provided information for our Winter newsletter


We posted about Tourettes Action on the Local Offer Facebook page


We don’t find the word ‘here’ as a hyperlink accessible

We will be reviewing our wording and hyperlinks ready for the new website


We are happy for the WESAIL and Local Offer Facebook pages to be joined. We would like the new page to be called WESAIL and Wakefield Local Offer

We have created the new page. In line with Family Action and Facebook guidance the new page is called Wakefield WESAIL and Local Offer.

Find the new page by visiting


You Said 

We Did 

We would like to have an email or text telling us our Max Card is about to expire

We have passed this on to the Information Network


We don’t find the word ‘here’ as a hyperlink accessible

We will be reviewing our wording and hyperlinks ready for the new website


We can’t find the Social Communication and Interaction form (for an autism referral)  


Family Action added the form to the services section of the Easy Read Autism Spectrum section of the Local Offer. We posted about this on Facebook.


We would like to know more about personal budgets  


Family Action have asked Wakefield Council’s Social Care teams to review and update information on personal budgets.


We would like for soft play sessions for children with SEND to continue  

SEND Soft Play is now weekly.


We would like to continue with monthly Lego Club  


Lego Club now has 2 sessions monthly due to demand.


We would like drop-in sessions with different services.  


Drop-In sessions are now monthly with Special Educational Needs Assessment and Review Team (SENART) plus other services in the diary including Social Care, Educational Psychologists, Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA).


We would like to know what training was being delivered in schools.  


Training in schools – We hosted Autism Education Trust (AET) training sessions for parent/carers delivered by Wakefield Inclusion Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Support Service (WISENDSS) to show what schools are being delivered.  


We would like craft sessions to be held more regularly to support mental health and wellbeing.  


Craft sessions are now 3 per month.


We find the Autism Pathway confusing and would like it to be updated to make it parent / carer friendly.


Autism Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) will be created instead of the Pathway. It will be written in co-production with parent/carers. It will be added to the Local Offer website when ready.


The ‘Let’s Talk About SEND’ event was the most valuable event parents and carers have attended all year.

Let’s Talk About SEND event is now an annual event. 

You Said 

We Did 

You would like more information on mental health.

We have posted about mental health on our Facebook page. We will be updating information about mental health on the Local Offer website.

You would like more information on Preparation for Adulthood (PfA).

We have shared the PfA drop in sessions on our Facebook page and in our newsletter.

We will be sharing more information and services on PfA in future newsletters.

You would like more information on Short Breaks.

We have put information on Short Breaks in our Spring Local Offer Newsletter.

More support has been requested earlier 

Submitted a successful bid to Supporting Families: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Pilot Project which focuses on early help. 

It would be good to have some groups that siblings could attend together for those with and without SEND. 

Incorporated siblings’ groups into our year 2 successful short breaks innovation bid. 

You asked for information on support available for deaf people

We shared this information in our Spring Local Offer Newsletter.


You said that sometimes the postcode search on the Local Offer website doesn’t give results

We have worked with the website hosts to resolve this issue.

Last updated: 17/04/2024