You Said We Did 2021 - 2022

You Said We Did is where we listen to your feedback and do something about it. Our 'About Feedback' page tells you how we get feedback and how you can give feedback.

You Said is what you have told us needs improving.

We Did is what we are doing about that.

You Said

We Did

It is sometimes difficult to find information about schools.

We are working on making the information clearer and easier to find. We are doing this with Wakefield Parent Carer Forum.

You Said 

We Did 

We cannot find the Children and Families Act 2014 or the SEND Code of Practice 2015. 

We have made new information pages about these documents. 

Read about the Children and Families Act and the SEND Code Of Practice on the Local Offer. 

We have posted about this on Facebook. 

We would like the option of ‘Home Educated’ on the Information Network forms. 

We have passed this feedback to the Information Network team. 

The Autism Spectrum Disorder Pathway is out of date. 

We have contacted Mid Yorkshire NHS to provide us with the newest version. 

You Said 

We Did 

We would like a wider range of topics for the SEND Advent Calendar on Facebook. 

We posted about a different condition or diagnosis each day in December. The conditions were all less common. The conditions were suggested by parents, carers and professionals. 

We would like information on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in a future newsletter. 

The Spring newsletter 2022 will have two pages of information about ADHD. The information comes from the ADHD Foundation and Witherslack Group. 

We would like information on advocacy in a future newsletter. 

The Spring 2022 newsletter will have information about the Barnardo’s Children’s Advocacy and Participation Service (CAPS). 

We would like more information on benefits such as the Disability Living Allowance (DLA). 

The Spring 2022 newsletter will have an overview of the DLA. We will also work with other services to put clearer information on the Local Offer website. 

We would like information on phobias, sensory needs, bullying, divorce and grief on the Common Concerns section. We would like to re-name it Common Worries. 

We will change the name of this section. We will add in information on these requested topics. We will check this part of the website with Kid Squad before it goes ‘live’. 

We would like more information on how to apply for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) if you are a parent or carer 

We will work with the Special Educational Needs Assessment and Review Team (SENART) to add this information on the EHCP pages. 

We would like to know how those with an EHCP are supported after school and into adulthood. 

We will work with SENART and the Preparation for Adulthood (PFA) team to add this information. 

You Said 

We Did 

We would like SENCOs to be signposted to the newsletter. SENCOs are not made aware that this is worth reading.


We will request that the Local Offer newsletter is sent out to all SENCOs each term.

We would like a list of schools e.g. high schools, specialist schools, for parents, carers and professsionals to look through when thinking about making choices.


We have updated our education provider information. You can search for different types of education providers by using the search and filter functions on the website e.g. independent special schools.


You can also request a list by emailing

Make access to the local offer easier and user friendly.

We are developing the website and will hope to get more information about this to users soon.

Last updated: 17/04/2024