The Special Educational Needs and / or Disabilities Local Offer tells you things and helps children and young people aged 0 – 25. This is also called the SEND Local Offer.
Feedback is when you tell us what you think about the SEND Local Offer.
You might want to say what is good about it. This helps us keep doing those good things.
You also might want to say what can be improved. This helps us to make the SEND Local Offer better for you.
Social media
Events such as virtual coffee mornings
Speaking to parent groups and forums
People who use services such as WESAIL
Meetings with professionals
Feedback forms on the Local Offer website
Mystery shoppers
You can ring us on 01924 965588 and leave a message.
You can also press the smiley faces at the bottom of any page on this website. Use the comments box to tell us more - this means we can make improvements using your suggestions.

Here are previous You Said We Did feedback reports.
You Said We Did - Short Breaks Wakefield Parent Carer Forum TEAM Listening Events
You Said We Did - ASD Parent Carer Engagement November 2018 to March 2019
You Said We Did - ASD Parent Carer Engagement November 2019 to January 2020
You Said We Did - EHCP February 2020
The report covers issues like parental engagement, variations in the schools meeting SEND requirements, diagnosis need to access support and Local Offer website review plus more.
The report covers Education, Health and Social Care issues that you raised from September 2016 to August 2017, like EHCP review meetings, SEN Support, personal budgets and short breaks.
The report covers issues that you raised from September 2015 to August 2016, like off-line offer, local offer, training needs and short breaks.
To find out about consultation and engagement opportunities currently available, please click on Consultations.
The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice says that every Local Authority must publish an annual summary or report on the Local Offer.
You can read Local Offer Annual reports by choosing them from the menu on the right side of this page.
If you would like to send us any comments or questions about this report you can email us at wakefieldlocaloffer@family-action.org.uk