Previous Consultations

WESAIL and Local Offer Facebook

The contract for the WESAIL service and Local Offer changed to Family Action on 1st April 2022. There was less money available for this contract. This meant that the service had to reduce the amount of staff it had. We are now looking at how we can best use the time our staff have.

As part of this, we are reviewing our Facebook pages. Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey. The results are below.

Question: Do you have any concerns about the two pages being joined?

Answer: Majority (over 65%) said no.

For those who selected ‘Yes’, not everyone chose to comment. The comments that were received about the concern of joining the pages were about the different feel to each of the pages, saying that the Local Offer one feels more formal. There was also a query about why they are the same. This was explained in the Facebook posts linking to the survey, the Consultation page on the Local Offer and also on the first page of the survey itself.

Question: Do you have any questions about this proposal?

Answer: Majority (over 90%) said no.

Although some people responded ‘Yes’, no questions were received via the given email.

Question: Which pages do you currently follow?

Answer: Most (60%) said both the Local Offer and WESAIL Facebook pages. 40% said just the WESAIL page. None said just the Local Offer page.

Question: Do you think that having information in one place will help / save time?

Answer: Majority (80%) said yes.

Question: What would you like the new Facebook page to be called?

Answer: Majority (over 50%) said WESAIL and Wakefield Local Offer.

Question: What would you like to see more of on our Facebook page?

Answers: Each category was voted for, with Education (50%) and Social Care (50%) being the most popular. Health was next, with 35% of the vote. Other responses included fun posts, carers groups, training for parents, SENDIASS information, signposting to services and other charities and information about the local area.

Therefore, we will be joining the WESAIL and Local Offer pages to create a new Facebook page. This new page will be called WESAIL and Wakefield Local Offer. It will be launched on Tuesday 27th September 2022.

Our Privacy Policy will not change and is available by visiting

The SENDIASS part of our service remains impartial and the new Facebook page will not be managed by the Local Authority.

SEND Local Offer Website Redesign

The Wakefield SEND Local Offer website is being redesigned.

Wakefield Council, WESAIL, West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and Wakefield Parent Carer Forum are working together to make the Local Offer website better. 

Thank you to everyone who took the time to give their views on how you want the new Local Offer website to look.

The results are now in, and the preferred design was mock-up two with 76% choosing this option – sighting they felt it looked more appealing, clear, smart, professional, and therefore trustworthy. 

The preferred colours chosen at 75% were purple and green, with respondents sharing that these appeared brighter and more eye-catching. 

Most respondents (95%) also felt the ability to search for information was useful. Therefore, we will be ensuring there is a search function on the new site. 

Wakefield Council, WESAIL, West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, and Wakefield Parent Carer Forum are committed to working together to ensure the new Local Offer website is the best it can be.

SEND and AP green paper: responding to the consultation


The Department of Education has published a short summary of the SEND and AP green paper. This is for parents and carers, children and young people to explain what the SEND review means for them.

You can also have your say. You can complete the online survey on the SEND and AP green paper to give your views.

Please note that SEND means Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities. AP means Alternate Provision.

Read Wakefield Council’s response to the SEND and Alternative Green Paper consultation. This was done with SEND partners across the Wakefield district.

Last updated: 20/12/2023