- Wakefield SEND Local Offer
- Contact us & making a referral
- Contact us & making a referral
Contact us & making a referral
We are open Monday to Friday from 9am-5pm.
We do not open on weekends or Bank Holidays.
The best way to contact us is by email. We do not use a referral form.
Please tell us what you need with as much detail as possible.
Read our guide on whether to contact WESAIL or the Local Offer.
You can email us at WESAIL@family-action.org.uk
If your enquiry is about the Local Offer, you can email us at wakefieldlocaloffer@family-action.org.uk
We will email or ring you back.
You can ring us. We do not answer calls and we need you to leave a message to know you have been in contact. Please include an email address if you use one.
Our number is 01924 965588
We will ring or email you back.
- Website: https://www.family-action.org.uk/what-we-do/children-families/wesail/
- Like our Facebook page: Wakefield WESAIL & Local Offer
- Address: Family Action Headquarters, 34 Wharf Road, London, N1 7GR
Please note we do not offer appointments at our stated office address.
Mutual Respect Statement
Please note that WESAIL (Wakefield SENDIASS) is impartial from the Local authority and is separate to WISENDSS, SENART, WASP, WPCF, CAMHS and the Family HUBs.
We are aware that service users contacting us are dealing with very challenging and often emotional situations.
We will respond as soon as we are able to, listening and advising in an impartial way. We would like to request respectful responses from our service users.
Please be aware that we reserve the right to politely terminate a call if we are experiencing verbally abusive language, raised voices, threatening or aggressive behaviour towards our staff.
Family Action does not condone or agree to the recording of this service and its staff.
If it is evident or suspected that individuals are recording telephone calls from the service/staff then the call will be brought to an end and the individual will be placed on a “do not call or engage via telephone” listing. All future correspondence will then be conducted via email only.
If you have used our service we would really like to know your thoughts! Please help us by filling in our WESAIL Initial Enquiry survey.
You can tell us what we are doing well. You can also tell us what else we can do to improve. This is called feedback and it will really help our service. Thank you!