Wakefield Children and Young People Advocacy Service


Changes to children and young people advocacy services in Wakefield: VoiceAbility will be your new advocacy provider for children and young people from Tuesday 1 April, 2025.


We’re a voice and rights charity which supports people to have their views heard and rights respected. Our services are free, independent and confidential.

How do people access the service/activity?

Make a referral using the contact details above. You can also make a referral by visiting www.voiceability.org/make-a-referral

VoiceAbility will be offering specialist advocacy support for children and young people:

  • Aged 0-18 years who are children in care
  • Care leavers up to 25 years old
  • Young people in custody where an alternative advocacy service is not provided by the custodial establishment
  • Aged 5-17 who are due to be discussed at child protection case conferences or are supported by a child protection plan
  • Aged 0-18 years who have special education needs or disabilities and up to 25 years if they have an education health care plan
  • Who are involved in/subject to a Care, Education and Treatment Review
  • Aged 16-17 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness

Cost to join/attend the service/activity


Social Media Links

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