What duties do the Local Authority have to support pupils with medical conditions?

Statutory guidance for local authorities sets out that they should be ready to make arrangements when it is clear the child will be away from school for 15 days or more because of health needs.

This support is usually for the short term and the pupils remain dual registered with their mainstream school. It is for children and young people who, because of their medical condition, are hospitalised and/ or unable to attend mainstream school. The aim of this provision is, where possible, to support the pupil towards reintegration into their mainstream school. This is done at the earliest opportunity by working closely with the school, the pupil, parents/carers and other agencies.

Read Wakefield Council's Guidance on the Education of Children with Medical Needs to find out more details.

Wakefield Council works with Pinderfields Hospital Pupil Referral Unit (PHPRU) to provide provisions in these circumstances.

 Referrals can be made under the following criteria: 

  • the pupil has an illness that will result in a 15+day absence;
  • the pupil has a potential long-term illness or recurrent bouts of chronic illness;
  • the pupil has complex mental health needs

All medical needs referrals must be supported by the appropriate medical advice e.g. medical consultant, CAMHS consultant Psychiatrist indicating that the pupil is currently medically unfit to attend school and other relevant information about their medical condition and its impact on their ability to access school.

Referrals can be made directly to the Headteacher of The PHPRU who will liaise with the Local Authority nominated officer to agree if the referral is appropriate and if so liaise with parents/carers and involved professionals to plan an appropriate response.

The PHPRU can be contacted at Pinderfields Hospital Pupil Referral Unit, Imperial Avenue, Wrenthorpe, Wakefield, WF2 0LW. Their phone number is 01924 298351 and you can email them at hm@pinderfieldshospitalpru.co.uk .

You can find out more about PHPRU on their website by clicking here.

Last updated: 12/01/2023