Local Offer Live

Local Offer Live Event – save the date

The Wakefield SEND Local Offer Live event is happening on Wednesday 8th May 2024.

It will take place at the Education Exchange, Spawd Bone Lane, Knottingley, WF11 0EP.

View the venue on Google Maps.

The event is from 1pm until 7pm.

It is for parents, carers, children and young people and professionals.

This event is free and you do not need to book.


What is the Local Offer Live event

Local Offer Live is a chance to see what SEND provision is available across the Wakefield district. There will be services, groups and activity providers. You can meet staff, ask questions and find out about what there is in Wakefield.


There will also be workshops running during the day. A workshop is where you can find out more about services and support.

Read more about workshops.


There is a cafe on site at the Education Exchange. Please note that this closes at 4pm.

The Venue

All stallholders and workshops will be on the ground floor.

There will be a quiet sensory room for those who need that space during the event.

What to expect when I arrive and leave

You will be asked to sign in at the reception desk. This is for health and safety reasons.

You will be given a brochure for the event. A brochure is a small book of information. This will tell you what services have stalls and where they are in the building.

You can then go to the services you are interested in. Each service has it's own stall. This is a table where staff from that service will be. You can ask them questions. Please note that the space may be busy and not suitable for confidential conversations.

Stalls may have information that you can take home with you, such as leaflets, QR codes or contact details.

There will be a large screen in the main hall. This will remind you what workshops are on and at what times. Wakefield Council staff will also remind you about workshops before they happen.

When you leave you will be asked to fill in a feedback form. This is so event planners know what you enjoyed and what worked well. You can also suggest things you would like to see next time.

How can I find out more

You can find out more about the event, including the services attending, by following us on Facebook.




Last updated: 4/9/2024