If you need any further help and advice here are some services available to support you:

SENART - The SENART team is the Local Authority’s Special Educational Needs Assessment and Review Team.

( 01924 302465

* senart@wakefield.gov.uk


WESAIL – Family Action - Wakefield Early Support Advice Information Liaison (WESAIL) is available to parents and carers of a child or a young person, who has, or may have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) aged 0-25 years who are living within the Wakefield District. This service is also available to young people themselves and those working with families. The contract is currently held by Family Action.

* WESAIL@family-action.org.uk


Wakefield Parent Carer Forum - Wakefield Parent Carer Forum is an independent parent carer forum who work with families of children with special educational needs and/or disability, aged 0-25 years old, living in the Wakefield area. The forum is led by a group of local parents.

* info@wakefieldparentcarers.co.uk

Last updated: 05/12/2022