The Special Educational Needs and / or Disabilities Local Offer tells you things and helps children and young people aged 0 – 25. This is also called the SEND Local Offer.

Feedback is when you tell us what you think about the SEND Local Offer.

You might want to say what is good about it. This helps us keep doing those good things.

You also might want to say what can be improved. This helps us to make the SEND Local Offer better for you.

Social media


Events such as virtual coffee mornings

Speaking to parent groups and forums

People who use services such as WESAIL

Meetings with professionals

Feedback forms on the Local Offer website

Mystery shoppers

You can email us at

You can ring us on 01924 965588 and leave a message.

You can also press the smiley faces at the bottom of any page on this website. Use the comments box to tell us more - this means we can make improvements using your suggestions.

Last updated: 3/5/2024