Who to contact if you need help

The following services can support you and your child.

Family Hubs

Family Hubs offer information, groups and support. Find out more by visiting https://wakefield.mylocaloffer.org/early-help-service/family-hubs/

General Practitioner (GP) 

GPs, also known as doctors, can provide support for your child. Find your nearest GP by visiting https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/find-a-gp

Health Visitors

Health Visitors are nurses or midwives who have had extra training to support families with children aged 0 to 5 years. Health visitors give advice on healthy lifestyles and preventing illness. They can make referrals to other health professionals if needed for example, hearing or vision concerns.

Find out more by visiting https://wyhealthiertogether.nhs.uk/parentscarers/who-can-help-my-child-stay-healthy


Child Health (Paediatrics) is the area of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of health conditions in children aged 0 to 16 years.

Find paediatric services and other support by visiting https://www.midyorks.nhs.uk/childrens-health/

Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo)

A SENCo is the teacher responsible for assessing, planning and monitoring the progress of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

To find contact details for education settings visit the education directory of this website.


If you need help, you can contact the Wakefield Early Support Information Liaison (WESAIL) service.

Logo for service named WESAIL

Last updated: 2/29/2024