Mediation is a voluntary process for parents, carers and young people, which can be used if an agreement cannot be reached in matters relating to EHC Plans. Mediation must be applied for within 2 months of a LA decision. The service only covers disagreements for the following circumstances:

  • Where the LA decides not to carry out an EHC needs assessment or re-assessment
  • Where the LA decides not to issue an EHC Plan, once they have completed an assessment.
  • Where the LA decides not to amend an EHC Plan after the annual review or re-assessment
  • Where the LA decides to cease to maintain an EHC Plan


Where the LA has issued an EHC Plan, mediation is available if you disagree with:

  • The parts of the plan which describe special educational needs (section B)
  • The special educational provision set out in the plan (section F)
  • The name and type of education provider named in the EHC (section I)


The LA provides access to an independent mediation service who has accredited training. They can be contacted to provide information about mediation and appealing to the SEND Tribunal. Wakefield’s Disagreement Resolution Service is provided via:

Collis Mediation Ltd who can be contacted on 07715 958290 or email

Their duty is to link in with the LA to arrange a mediation meeting at a time and date suitable for all. They also offer advice on who can support at mediation such as friend, advisor, or advocate. When the mediation has finished the mediation service will issue a mediation certificate and advise of any further routes to appeal such as SEND Tribunal if the disagreement was not resolved.

Last updated: 07/09/2023